Creative Financial

Investment & Savings Advice

Whether you wish to invest a lump sum or save a regular amount to build up a sum of money, our independent advisers can help you understand the options available to you and can recommend the most appropriate solution for your needs and objectives.

You need to give some thought to what those objectives and timescales are. For example, are you saving for a particular purpose, or do you require a regular income from your investments?

We will advise you and recommend an investment strategy appropriate for your needs and best suited to your attitude to investment risk and tax position.

Most people want investments which are safe, in the sense that they cannot fall, and which offer high returns. This ideal combination is not available. Beware anyone who claims otherwise.

Why do I need to invest?

We will often invest to meet both short and long term financial requirements. Short term needs may include saving for a car or a holiday, whereas long term investment needs could be saving for retirement, school fees or providing capital for children as they grow up. Whilst these might be examples of what our clients use their savings for, generally our clients either want their money to grow or to provide them with an income.

Helping you with your Portfolio

The various assets owned by an investor are called a portfolio. As a general rule, spreading your money between the different types of asset classes helps lower the risk of your overall portfolio underperforming, in short, diversification.

Managing investments takes time

Yes, managing investments does take time. To manage investments successfully, thought needs to be given to 'what' assets to invest in and 'where' to invest, in short an asset allocation strategy. Then time needs to be given to researching the markets to select the most appropriate funds and to monitor how these perform and then review these funds on a regular basis. This is where we can help. In listening to you and understanding your objectives and being mindful of the risks you are willing/able to take with your money, we can work with you to help make the right appropriate investment decisions to meet your goals and save you time.

On-going Reviews

Experience shows that a programme of on-going monitoring, review and adjustment is the only way to ensure best laid plans are kept on track in the light of changing circumstances. We are organised to deliver service through a continuous, long term client relationship. Where contracted, regular review meetings enable us to review investment performance and all the key factors and changing personal circumstances that affect your strategy. Such reviews enable you to keep track of your investments and make sure they remain in line with your objectives.

Please contact us so that we can work with you to determine an investment strategy best appropriate for your needs and circumstances.